Jack Petchy Award Nominations
SMRAC are looking for nominations for a Jack Petchey Award.
Met League Cross Country - Saturday 13th October 2018
The first cross country fixture of the season takes place on Saturday 13th October at Claybury Park.
SEAA XC Relays
South of England Athletics Association (SEAA) Cross Country Relays
Saturday 20th October 2018 at Wormwood Scrubs
Club AGM 30th November 2018
The date for the club AGM is the 30th November 2018
St Marys Richmond AC 30th Masters’ Long Throws Update
Due to an overwhelming number of entries for long throws, we have now had to close all on the day entries for long throws. Please accept our apologies if you were hoping to enter on the day.
St Marys Richmond AC 30th Masters’ Throws and Open Meeting and Club Championships Sunday 30th Sept 2018
St Marys Richmond AC
30th Masters’ Throws and Open Meeting
and Club Championships
Dai Greene comes to SMRAC
Dai Greene visited SMRAC tonight at the invite of Ross Franks - one of the Jack Petchey award winners earlier in the year.
Dai told us about his athletics career and we got to see the European, Commonwealth and World Championship gold medals.
Middlesex County Champs (T+F) are open
Middlesex outdoor championships will be held at Lee Valley on the weekend of the 12th and 13th May.
Entries are now open at: https://entries.opentrack.run/2018/middxtfchamps/
Surrey County Champs (T+F) entries are open
Surrey County Champs - 12th + 13th May
Entries are Open https://entries.opentrack.run/org/scaa/
New website
Join our club
Contact us today if you are interested in finding out more about our club either as an athlete, official, coach or volunteer.